CallGuide Agent default settings

In CallGuide Admin menu choice Agent application | Default settings in CallGuide Agent you make settings for the agents' applications CallGuide Agent and Edge Agent.

To change the default values for the agents' client settings you need to have access function Modify client settings for organisation area in your access role.

The settings you see might not apply to all users in the specified organisation area as agents can be given permission to do local changes to their work place.


Description of all client settings

Below you see a description of all agent clients' settings, in alphabetical order.

Some settings are common between the two clients, i.e. the content covers what you see in both clients and in the CallGuide Admin Classic and Edge. tabs.

For the settings only applicable to one of the clients you see the name CallGuide Agent or Edge Agent.

Client setting Description
Activate after automatic pause

This is where you set if the agent should be automatically reactivated after a specified amount of seconds after automatic pause due to e.g. that a call has not been answered or a failed routing.

For agents working with wireless telephones automatic reactivation after automatic pause is an most important since the agent may be away from the workstation and hence cannot manually activate himself.

The time set for automatic reactivation should not exceed the time set for inactivity logout in CallGuide Admin Activities.

Activate CallGuide Agent on incoming contact This setting is used when you do not work with CallGuide Agent active all the time. It activates CallGuide Agent and positions the window at the top when a contact is connected to you or when an email or outgoing call record has been routed to you. If CallGuide Agent is minimized, the window is opened up.
Always on top You check this box if you want to have the CallGuide Agent window always on top on your screen, i.e. never hiding under other programs’ windows.
Answer/accept contacts automatically Means that you do not have to click on the Answer button to answer an incoming call or the Accept button to accept an incoming email chat or an outgoing call.

When this option is active, incoming contacts are automatically anwered/accepted after the time specified as delay for each service respectively.

If the check box for a service is greyed out you do not have the access rights to this service. The exception is the Incoming calls, queue etc. choice as this setting also applies to externally incoming calls, internally incoming call and enquiry calls.

Should CallGuide be configured to allow calls to be answered before contact data has arrive, the system cannot determine whether the call is coming from a waiting list or a queue. All incoming calls will then be answered according to the setting for Incoming calls, queue etc..

If the check box for Answer/accept contacts automatically is not checked when you click on OK, the settings you have made per service will be discarded as well.

Automatic search in CallGuide Answer

If the self learning FAQ CallGuide Answer is to be used for automatic search of answers, this is where you

  • select the name of a CallGuide Answer portal. The portal names to choose from are set inCallGuide Answer portals
  • choose when automatic search should be performed for different contact types, i.e. see the data before or after accepting the contact.

Auto-search in Interaction View

Automatic search for interactions

To see this setting you need the Look at Interaction View access function in your access role.

Choose when automatic search should be performed for different contact types. Interaction View will present a collected view of earlier interactions with present contact, using contact data as search criteria.

To see archived interactions through automatic search this function has to be activated in the CallGuideAdmin Organise | Automatic search – Interaction View window. See Interaction View in CallGuide Admin

Also see Basic facts about Interaction View

The functionality in CallGuide Agent is described in About the Interaction View function If you use CallGuide Edge Agent, see Interactions in Edge Agent

Auto-search in guide

To see the setting you need the Look at guide in Information Guide access function in your access role.

Specify how Information Guide is to be used in CallGuide Agent.

  • Pick the name of the guide where search for questions and answers will be made. The selected guide will be using contact data for the current contact as search criteria.
  • Information from the chosen guide is displayed automatically, before or after answering/accepting the contact.

The guides are set up and activated in The information Guide window

Auto-verify dialer connection

When you log on to a dialer campaign the initial call from CallGuide Dialer is automatically accepted in CallGuide Agent.

With this setting you do not have to verify that the call is actually coming from CallGuide Dialer. Considered mandatory if you are to use the Temporary workforce from dialer campaign function.

Change password

In Egde Agent you handle your password via the Client settings menu choice.

See CallGuide Edge Agent application overview

Continue enquiry until a ready agent is found

If the searched party isn't available at once, CallGuide can continue to call, until someone answers.

See Call handling in Unifinder

Email - Close contact when reply is sent

Specifies whether the email contact should be closed automatically when an email reply is sent. Then you do not have to click on Close in the CallGuide Agent Received email support function.

Email - Compose new email in...

Select whether outgoing emails from CallGuide Agent should be in Plain text or HTML format.

Email - Open reply when accepting mail

Emails can be automatically opened in reply mode when you accept an incoming email. Then you do not have to click on Answer in the Received email support function to open the Email reply support function in CallGuide Agent.

Email - Quote original text on reply

Specify whether incoming emails should be included in your reply mail and, if so, whether it should be seen first or after your text.

Email - Show received email as plain text

Specify whether all incoming emails should be seen as plain text in CallGuide Agent, or not.

If the check box is not ticked, the received mail will be displayed in the format it was sent in.

Email - Signature

If you enter a text of 512 characters as a maximum, it will be inserted at the end of an email sent from CallGuide Agent.

Fit height to displayed support functions

The height of the support function area in CallGuide Agent can adjust automatically to displayed support functions. The agent can enter a desired height for a specific support function by having just this support function open and then adjust the height using the mouse pointer.

The next time the support function is opened it is presented with the size the agent specified. This setting is saved between logins – unless CallGuide Agent has been closed without the support function having been closed first.

Flashing button

Tick to make the Answer button flash when a contact comes in and the Accept button flash when an email or an outgoing call record has been routed to you.

Handle CallGuide calls in...

If your CallGuide solution uses Telia Touchpoint Plus or CallGuide Voice, you can choose which type of telephone you use for talking. In a drop-down menu you find the following options:

  • Softphone
    Only applicable for sites using CallGuide Voice or Touchpoint Plus.
  • Mobile
    Only applicable for sites using CallGuide Voice or Touchpoint Plus.
  • Desktop phone
    Only applicable for sites using CallGuide Voice or Touchpoint Plus.
  • Skype for Business
    Mandatory for sites using Skype for Business via CallGuide Voice or Touchpoint Plus


In Egde Agent you select User interface language already when you log in. However, this can be changed in a client setting. See CallGuide Edge Agent application overview

Maximize support functions automatically

Support functions that can use the entire function area in CallGuide Agent use only half the area if another support function is activated at the same time. This setting makes support functions always use the entire function area, where possible.

SeeSupport functions area

Minimise CallGuide Agent

Means that CallGuide Agent will automatically be minimized when you have answered a call/accepted a contact or when you have handled a contact.

Number of chats to display...

Select whether 2, 3 or 4 simultaneous chat panels should be visible in CallGuide Agent.

See The chat window in CallGuide Agent

Notify on callback appointment

To get sound alert in CallGuide Edge Agent, when a callback appointment is due.

See Book Callback appointment in Edge Agent

Open address book expanded The address book in CallGuide Agent is opened with an open tree structure, i.e. expanded, to let you see the page that was open when the address book was last closed.
Remember enquiry filter settings

Specifies how to store the last selections using the enquiry function in CallGuide Agent Unifinder. If the box is not ticked, the selections are not saved.

  • With Always, the selections are saved also between logins.
  • With During current session, the selections are saved during the current login and will be gone the next time the agent logs in.
Remember login specific queues

Specifies how CallGuide Agent will remember log in to or out from specific queues. If the options is not used you will, at work level change, automatically be logged in to all queues you are servicing.

  • With Always your choice of queues to service at change of work level is saved, also between logins.
  • With During current session, CallGuide remembers that you logged in to or out from specific queues, but at the next login to CallGuide Agent you will once again be automatically logged in to all the queues you are servicing.
Screen pop

Screen pop can e.g. be that a support system should open, based on supplied data in an IVR or supplied facts in an email or chat. If screen pop features are configured in your CallGuide solution, you can choose if you want to use it and if so, when the screen pop is to occur. Choices are before answer, after answer, when a contact is reactivated after parking, before and/or after wrap-up.

Show contact data automatically

Means that a contact data collection is displayed when e.g. a call is answered or a chat is accepted.

You choose for which type of contacts you want the contact data card or window to open automatically.

Show queue status info

Tick if you want to see compressed queue status by the CallGuide Agent icon in Windows’ system tray.

Also, specify if you want to Flash tray icon at queue situation, i.e. when threshold 2 is passed.



Means that your computer emits a sound signal when a contact comes in to CallGuide Agent. There can be different for contact from queue, new contact in waiting list and a VIP contact. The signals are seen in Windows Control Panel |Sound.

Support functions - Fit height to displayed support functions...

In CallGuide Agent you can set the desired height for a specific support function by only having this very support function open and then with your mouse pointer adjust the height.
The next time the support function is opened it has your set size. The setting is also saved between logins.

Examples of support functions that you may alter the size for are Statistics today, Interaction View described in About the Interaction View function and Waiting lists described in Basics about waiting lists in CallGuide

Support functions - Maximise support functions automatically

Support functions that can use the entire function area in CallGuide Agent use only half the area if another support function is activated at the same time. This setting makes support functions always use the entire function area, if possible.

See Support functions area

Support functions - Number of support functions to display...

The support functions area in CallGuide Agent enlarged to show up to four functions at the same time.

It is up to you to choose how many you want to see. The screen resolution affects what can be selected.

Unifinder- Email from address

Sender address for emails sent by operator from Unifinder. Choices are set inThe Email and Work Item accounts window. Also see Add an email account

The recipient sees this in the email’s sender field.

Unifinder- Email subject

Enter a central subject for emails sent by operator from CallGuide Unifinder.

The recipient sees this in the email's subject field.

Unifinder – Address books to search in

Select which address book(s) CallGuide Agent Unifinder shall search in.

Not marked, no search will be performed in any address book.

Web browser for co-browsing...

Specifies which web browser to use when CallGuide Agent starts co-browsing.

In a drop-down menu you find these options:

  • Windows default browser
  • Google Chrome
  • Internet Explorer
  • Mozilla Firefox


Telia CallGuide version 10.1. New info since last release is highlighted. ©Telia Sverige AB